International Visitors

150 international visitors (teachers and senior staff) came to Chesterfield last week (22 January 2016) to see how the school operates, and be shown all the technology in use with the children and staff.
They were highly impressed with the premises and the range of IT which included use of MakeyMakey (Input device), Scratch (Coding), 3D printer, use of iPads, iMovie, Garageband, BeeBots and animation. They also highlighted the behaviour and engagement of the children in their lessons.
“The pupils were so willing to speak.”
Many thanks to all staff who made this happen so successfully, and especially to the pupil Ambassadors, who were specifically mentioned by visitors as being helpful and informative when showing groups around.
“Your children will be well prepared for the future after attending your school”.
Oregano class kick-started their new learning journey with an orienteering day in Trent. They spent the day focusing on their map work skills and competed against each other to find as many of the marker posts as possible. We all had great fun - although we were a little muddy by the end of it!