Business Trip to JP Morgan

On Tuesday 26 April, 10 children from years 4, 5 and 6 were selected to take part in a business trip to JP Morgan, an investment bank, in Knightsbridge.
When we arrived, the children were taken on a tour of the offices, where they saw exactly how an investment bank is run (ask them about the difference between a ‘Bull’ and a ‘Bear’ market).
For the rest of the day, everyone was introduced to the concept of ‘risk’ and how we can reduce the risk of losing money. While working in groups, the children were introduced to an elderly couple, who wanted to invest some money and get returns for a holiday. The children were given the choice of three companies to invest £20,000 in, with the intention of making as much profit as possible. There were volunteers from JP Morgan that came and helped everyone through the process, before deciding on an eventual winner.
At the end of the day, they then had to write a report on their investments to feed back to the elderly couple. A fantastic day was had by all, and congratulations goes to the winning team: Azad, Yusra, Ashee, Angela and Sudenaz.